quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2016

Researcher interior design sketch

Yesterday I stumbled upon a few books around the house, one of them had some really dark illustrations by Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson, I was influenced by it and decided to re-imagine Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft's main character's researcher room, the one that belonged to professor Angell and was left to his nephew with his research notes.
I took in account the fact he was a college teacher, a researcher and a obsessed enthusiast about his late findings about the Cult of Cthulhu and the mystery around it he tried to solve.

I pre-thought about line weight a lot since I was on traditional medium and worked with very dark micron pens, it was crucial to think deliberately in order to save the sketch. Overall, it was a gold training I assigned myself to, be it in perspective practice and line weight, and also staging.

Ya'll have a nice week.

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