quarta-feira, 20 de julho de 2016

Turtle soup Hut

A concept I had in mind while going through the book of Skillful Huntsman and other art center books.
This is a piece made to experiment with faster workflows and this time using a rough 3d block out to speed up my process.
I'm used to draw and paint everything from zero and this time it had it's advantages and disadvantages, really.

The concept of happy vibes still follow me everywhere, but this time I tried to introduce a bit of a darker mystery through the giant turtle shell, questioning that the life in these places is not always a picnic (upper side and the main focus) but when you look around and find yourself looking to bottom, you'll feel it may not be a big deal, to deal with giant monsters, and that they seemed to get away fine.
I was inspired by Dragon Ball a little, whenever a giant dinosaur chased the main character, the character would always end up having it as dinner later, which was quite funny, because he was a kid.


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