sábado, 16 de julho de 2016

City Color thumbnails

During the past few days, I've been mixing scenarios of low technology with a recent acquisition of high technology, enough to keep the population go on living, and also to keep their historic architecture intact. It will be the (hopefully) last time I touch the subject of a peaceful living anarchy as society in a post apocalyptic land, as I feel it's just becoming too repeatable in my portfolio, which would be fine if I wanted to pursue a branding of sorts for me, however, I want to experiment and risk more.

The fish scales on a facade suggests they fish a lot.

Refining a thumbnail set into color, using pure painting and photobash techniques, to experiment which was the best to achieve a end result. These came too illustrative, but I liked them this way.
A set of illustrations/drawings is coming based off this scenario, to flesh out information about the surroundings and the way of life in the town.


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