segunda-feira, 21 de março de 2016

Coloring challenge

I got off from college this week, reaaaaaaally smooth stuff that I'm on happy easter holidays so I have time to dedicate towards concept art! I'm running in like two schools, I have the art and design college that I go by day, which I quite like, and then I have the online lectures for concept art... it's all worth it in the end.

Anyway, I took the line work from the past week and took it to a color stage, meanwhile I heard a lot of constructive comments towards the work I posted and decided to weight them all into a healthy balance... I haven't started diving into digital coloring a lot and I'm focusing more on perspective drawing here, but I still liked to have this work presentable enough, so I taught myself a few things about digital painting before I finish the perspective drawing course.

Lucky me, I can't skateboard while the rain comes around the day, so I find dedication to devote to concept art. :)

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Online Course Drop: How to be a Freelancer in the Games Industry

  Hallo! I'm so excited! Join me for my online course and learn every little secret I know about how to build your career online as a ...