domingo, 24 de junho de 2018


Just throwing another test I'm experimenting with.
Not happy at all with the outcome, but it was a good test to map where I've failed with this process and also get where I failed before this attempt, using this same process.
I guess it's why I made it, to try to level up, and like it is in life, you're not gonna win every time.

I guess the core reason I failed is because I relied too much in a 3D blockout, like I've done before and failed because of it. Now I know, it'd be much better in efficiency and style if I had photobashed a background instead.

Another reason why this didn't work is because I'm constantly looking at old .PSD files and checking how I integrated images with keyshot compositions before, this is to save brain power, but every image is different and may require light and color tweaking reverent to their environments, I keep trying to bruteforce it to work, but hopefully this blog entry along with this sketch will be a reminder, to keep me from doing this same mistakes.

 I guess I should have researched of concept art'y ways to rig a face expression quickly, I was lazy, laziness doesn't get anyone anywhere. Posting bad art in my blog doesnt bother me, this is just a sketch blog with my dev notes. In this case, the benefit of having my art exposed greatly outweights any bad reputation.

domingo, 17 de junho de 2018

Gypsy punk!

I haven't made new work relevant to subcultures in a while, I liked when I first started fiddling with that topic, it felt right, it felt fun.

Research steps on new character

Been a while, or maybe it hasn't, it feels like it has, because I haven't done a character like this in almost a year now. It's not because I didn't want to, it's just other stuff got in the way, client work, personal life... so much has changed lately. And I'm grateful for every change.
Anyway, I'm working on a series of still shots to showcase a new character for the my subculture themes.

Here's a fraction of the research, grabbed really quick out of my ref board software.

And the initial sketching, very crude, I know, but was just to guide myself, didn't have to show these to any client or anything, so kept them very crude, still felt good to show them.

Online Course Drop: How to be a Freelancer in the Games Industry

  Hallo! I'm so excited! Join me for my online course and learn every little secret I know about how to build your career online as a ...