sábado, 27 de outubro de 2018

Film studies!

I'm having one of those moments when Im starting to feel like a one trick phony, a magician who carries around a bag of cheap tricks, I've been doing everything mostly in a digital sculpting+keyshot pipeline and it shows for the better and worse.
Lately I've been going again into traditional media and drawing, doing a few thumbnails each day to help my design sense and to get away from software, the problem with software is that everyone has it, I need to avoid it now.

I may or may not post some thumbnails later, for now, I'll be doing some composition studies from the Beethoven of cinema, no one other than Kurosawa.
I'm not sure where I'll arrive without this keyshot+zbrush pipeline that I've been doing for such a long time, but I know I'll want to be there.

sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2018

Chasing Blood

Revisiting some lesson files from Alex Figini course at Learnsquared. Cool to see how many things I pick up that I hadn't noticed before in the first run.

Online Course Drop: How to be a Freelancer in the Games Industry

  Hallo! I'm so excited! Join me for my online course and learn every little secret I know about how to build your career online as a ...