quarta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2017

Character dev: tests

Homework for the learnsquared class of Maciej Kuciara. Lots could have been done better, but I was submissive to test the software and workflow the teacher provided instead of using the toolset within my comfort zone. I don't regret it.

The details on the face are too small, I totally ignored the thick to thin, big to small rule in compositions. I took some time to make the eyewear, then the arm, then everything else, separately, it was a big mistake. Most of the details got lost in the bigger picture, which is something I will have to have a better handling in my next works. You know what they say, if you're not failing you're not learning, and I failed big time on this one, at least for me. The previous work had all this points nailed down correctly, probably because I was very deliberate and took long breaks before continuing the work.
This was a spoiled fruit I collected from not being patient to finish this image. I'm also not that pleased with the selling of urban subculture as a fast track to content.

I was not that much motivated during the course too, which further crippled me and my judgement skills towards my own work.
A wonderful study to keep in mind later on and remind me of this mistakes, which I hopefully never ever do again.

sábado, 9 de dezembro de 2017

Headhunter Sculpture

First sculpture test that I've finished in clay. After a great class I've taken. Still lots to learn and lots to polish. I need to work on my patience the most.

Online Course Drop: How to be a Freelancer in the Games Industry

  Hallo! I'm so excited! Join me for my online course and learn every little secret I know about how to build your career online as a ...